Kathmandu, The Nepali film “Agastya” under the direction of Saurabh Chaudhary, has introduced a special discount offer for women viewers during its third week of screening, as announced by the producers on Saturday.
This move is intended to acknowledge and appreciate the significant role and contributions of women in society.
The film is based on the story of Nepali women who are sold to India from Nepal. The makers said that it received positive ‘word of mouth’ in the first and second weeks and earned well in the third weekend as well.
Director Chaudhary said, ‘Through a powerful visual language, we have introduced human trafficking.’
Featuring a talented ensemble cast including Saugat Malla, Nazir Hussain, Malika Mahat, Nischal Basnet, Pramod Agrahari, and Vijay Baral, “Agastya” has been a cinematic experience to behold.
Executive producers Vishwa Gauchan and Abhishek Chaudhary, alongside producers Prakash Malla, Anish Tamang, and Vinod Paudel, have collaborated on this project, jointly produced by Dark Horse Entertainment and Seven Seas Entertainment.